Summary of "Register Allocation for programs in SSA-form"
This summary of “Register Allocation for programs in SSA-form” by Hack, Grund, and Goos1 is adapted from my writing assignment submission in the course DAT315 The computer scientist in society at Chalmers University of Technology. The target audience is computer science students not necessarily having taken a compilers course.
Static single assignment (SSA) form as an intermediate representation that compilers transform input source code into has proven useful for facilitating optimization passes. However, afterward the SSA property is destroyed before the final code generation phases where e.g. machine code is emitted. This paper shows there is merit in keeping the SSA form around for the register allocation phase of codegen.
State-of-the-art imperative language compilers use intermediate representations based on control-flow graphs which are turned into SSA form, see Figure 1. Each node is a straight-line sequence of simple instructions called a basic block where jumps to and from only happen at the start and end of the block respectively. The SSA property further requires that each variable definition is assigned only once. This essentially gives immutability, and so for example the dead-code elimination optimization on code in SSA form is just a mark-and-sweep algorithm.
Looking at the example program in Figure 1, we see that the non-SSA version uses two variables while the SSA version has more; both IRs allow for an unbounded amount of variables. However, most physical computer architectures we may want to compile for only have a limited set of fast registers. To keep around values of variables beyond that, they will have to be juggled in and out of the slower program stack memory. Allocating these registers for each variable is done in the phase called register allocation.
For register allocation it is natural to think about the interference graph of the program. This is a graph where the nodes are the variables, and two nodes share an edge if they are simultaneously live, meaning at some point in the program both variables have been defined earlier, and both will be used as inputs for later instructions. The interference graph for the earlier example program is shown in Figure 2. The variables that interfere are those that cannot share the same register; writing one could overwrite the other that later at its use-site would be read as garbage. This means that allocating registers is solved by coloring the graph, i.e. assigning colors to each node such that no two neighboring nodes get the same color. Each color will then correspond to a unique register.
The graph coloring approach for register allocation leads to the following algorithm, proposed by Briggs, Cooper, and Torczon2 and shown in Figure 3. First we build the interference graph and try to color it. If that fails, because too many registers were needed, we split or remove some live range by spilling a variable to the stack, essentially delegating it to slower memory, before retrying. Now building the full interference graph is time costly. Furthermore, we want to choose variables to spill that are not used for a long time nor often, etc. and these criteria make the problem of optimal spilling NP-complete. This all makes graph coloring register allocation complicated.
The idea of this paper is to use the fact that interference graphs of SSA form programs turn out to be triangulated, see Figure 4, to simplify register allocation. It being simpler means more of a compiler’s complexity budget can be spent on things that improve the performance of generated code, such as spilling more optimally. This follows the work of Pereira and Palsberg3 that showed that 95% of interference graphs for the Java standard library (compiled with the JoeQ compiler) were triangulated, and gave a register allocation algorithm for that case. For programs in SSA form where the graphs are always triangulated one can go further.
Triangulated graphs have some useful properties: (I) The chromatic number of a triangulated graph, i.e. the smallest number of colors needed to color the graph, equals the size of the largest clique, i.e. a subgraph where all nodes are connected; and (II) they are optimally colorable in O(n²) with respect to the number of nodes. This leads to the simpler algorithm shown in Figure 5, where, if destruction of the SSA property is delayed until after register allocation, all spilling can be done upfront. Whether spilling is necessary can be determined by looking at the size of the largest clique of the interference graph, which equals the maximum number of variables live at any point in the program, and seeing if it is larger than the number of available registers. To see why this all is possible one needs to be aware of the dominance property.
Dominance is a property of SSA. A node A of an SSA CFG is said to dominate a node B (A ≼ B) if it is impossible to reach B without first executing A, see Figure 6. Two useful lemmas about the relation between dominance and interference given by Budimlic et al.4 are, where 𝓓ᵥ is the definition of v:
- If variables u, v interfere then either 𝓓ᵤ ≼ 𝓓ᵥ or 𝓓ᵥ ≼ 𝓓ᵤ.
- If u, v interfere and 𝓓ᵤ ≼ 𝓓ᵥ then u is live at 𝓓ᵥ.
These enable efficient coloring of the interference graph.
Picture this algorithm for graph coloring explained in the paper: (I) Remove nodes one by one by always choosing a node v where v and its neighbors form a clique, until all nodes are exhausted; and then (II) insert the nodes back in reverse order while coloring greedily, i.e. giving the new node a color not shared by its neighbors. The idea is that when reinserting a node, it together with all its already-colored neighbors will form a clique, the size of which is bounded by the size of the largest clique. It is clear that this gives a valid coloring, with the number of colors equal to the size of the largest clique, in linear time. (The number of colors has been bounded by the number of available registers.) The question is whether such a removal order exists. The claim is that postorder traversal of the dominance tree yields such an order. As a side note, known from graph theory is that the graphs for which such orderings exist are the triangulated graphs and that this algorithm will in fact give an optimal coloring. The paper goes on to prove the claim.
To reiterate, we should be able to remove a variable v if all variables whose definitions are dominated by 𝓓ᵥ have already been removed. That would require that v and its neighbors form a clique. Assume not, i.e. v has two neighbors a, b that do not interfere. For a we must have either 𝓓ₐ ≼ 𝓓ᵥ or 𝓓ᵥ ≼ 𝓓ₐ due to the first lemma, but the latter is impossible since a would then have been removed. Since a, v interfere - they are neighbors in the interference graph - and 𝓓ₐ ≼ 𝓓ᵥ, the second lemma says a must be live at 𝓓ᵥ. But the same holds for b, meaning a, b are both live at the point 𝓓ᵥ of the program, and so by definition they interfere which contradicts the assumption. Thus just by walking the dominance tree in postorder one can color the graph greedily.
The paper then proposes heuristic algorithms for the other parts of register allocation: Choosing variables to spill and coalescing copies. For the former, it extends Belady’s MIN algorithm5 for spilling in basic blocks6 to work on the entire program. Belady’s MIN algorithm spills the variable whose next use is farthest away. This distance is estimated by taking the minimum over all control flow paths that reach the use. When combining the sets of variables not spilled after the last instruction of each basic block, it has to check that each such set contains all variables live into each successor block or otherwise insert reloads, i.e. instructions that move the variable from the stack into a register.
Furthermore, the paper gives a heuristic algorithm for coalescing copies. Coalescing, the act of ensuring the source and destination of a copy instruction are allocated in the same register, making the copy superfluous, has been omitted from this summary for the sake of brevity. Read the paper if interested.
The later paper Pereira and Palsberg3 solves some of the shortcomings of this paper related to real-world uses. One such shortcoming is pre-coloring of the graph: E.g. the AMD64 DIV instruction always outputs into the RAX and RDX registers, use two of those and one of the respective destination variables will need to be spilled if they interfere, possibly breaking the triangulated property of the interference graph. Like how SSA basic block parameters can be equated with copies of the arguments to the parameter variables, even more copies are inserted - between each instruction and at the end of each basic block - to get so-called elementary form programs. These elementary programs and their elementary interference graphs then have even nicer properties than triangulated interference graphs.
The result of using elementary programs is a register allocator usable as a replacement for LLVMs non-graph coloring register allocator, comparable in terms of speed, that produces x86 code of similar quality to a slower state-of-the-art graph coloring register allocator.
Sebastian Hack, Daniel Grund, and Gerhard Goos. “Register allocation for programs in SSA-form”. In: International Conference on Compiler Construction. Springer. 2006, pp. 247–262. ↩
Preston Briggs, Keith D Cooper, and Linda Torczon. “Improvements to graph coloring register allocation”. In: ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 16.3 (1994), pp. 428–455. ↩
Fernando Magno Quintao Pereira and Jens Palsberg. “Register allocation via coloring of chordal graphs”. In: Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems. Springer. 2005, pp. 315–329. ↩ ↩2
Zoran Budimlic et al. “Fast copy coalescing and live-range identification”. In: ACM SIGPLAN Notices 37.5 (2002), pp. 25–32. ↩
Laszlo A. Belady. “A study of replacement algorithms for a virtual-storage computer”. In: IBM Systems journal 5.2 (1966), pp. 78–101. ↩
Jia Guo, Maria Jesus Garzaran, and David Padua. “The power of Belady’s algorithm in register allocation for long basic blocks”. In: International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing. Springer. 2003, pp. 374–389. ↩